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From the desk of Scientific Chairperson Dear ,colleagues, friends & students Welcome to 6th Annual National Conference of Association of Neonatal Therapusts It’s indeed a great honour and privilege for me to extend a wholehearted welcome to all the delegates and the respected faculty for this 6th Annual National conference of ANT. The theme of the conference is “Neonatal Therapy to Strengthen the Maternal-Neonatal to Practice” which holds the meaning of Guidelines to Practice in Neonatal unit. This will narrow the gap between guidelines and practice. During the various workshops the delegates will receive education , training, understand the practice guidelines and update on importance of mother infants bond in developmental care practice . Mothers active participation in vulnerable period of life is great importance in the day to day practice of neonatal therapy. The scientific sessions are planned to include areas of neonatal practice,enhance the confidence & reasearch approaches in the field of Neonatal therapy. The conference include luminaries in the field, both national and international. Our faculty comprises the most experienced teachers and renowned therapists in this new budding field from all over the country . They will pass on not just their knowledge, but their unwinding energy; skills to all of us . A new generation of researchers will be seen during this conference and I am sure they will justify the confidence that we have placed in them. The scientific program is going to be a delight. We have mix of skill labs, workshops ,original scientific paper,poster presentation sessions,panel discussion. We have tried to emphasize on understanding mother infants relationship. Hope you find the sessions interesting and informative. The audience has a major role in making this conference successful. I sincerely express my gratitude & thanks to all committee members volunteers , contributors for supporting in this venture . Dr Shailaja Sandeep Jaywant Scientific committee Chairperson 6th Annual National conference of Association of Neonatal Therapists India

THEME: Neonatal Therapy to Strengthen the Maternal-Neonatal Bond

15-17TH NOVEMBER, 2024


YMCA International House & Programmes Center

18, YMCA Road, Mumbai Central, Mumbai – 400 008.


Shailaja Jaywant,

Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy,

Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Sion, Mumbai


Usha Kasar,

Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy,

Seth GS Medical College, KEM Hospital, Mumbai


Sanika Gawade,

Senior Occupational Therapist,

Lokmanya Tilak Municipal General Hospital, Sion, Mumbai


Dr Sheetal Vivek Dhande

Occupational Therapist, Vidya Vikas Hospital, Nashik.


Jyoti Saini,

Director, ShamsYos Rehabilitation 

Clinic, Ambernath


Sonal Sharma, Mumbai

Registration and Reception

Prachi Gangurde,

Consultant Peadiatric Occupational Therapist,

Dr Vasantrao Pawar Medical College & Research Centre, Nashik

Helping Hands Peadiatric Rehabilitation Centre, Nashik.



Neonatal Therapist's Assessments 

Speaker: Sanika Gawade is an occupational therapy professional residing in Mumbai, India. She has pioneered in implementing the concepts of neonatal therapy in the institute where she works full time as an clinical occupational therapist. Sanika works in LTMG hospital, Sion Mumbai & has keen interest & vast clinical experience in treating neonates. She has done Masters in Occupational therapy from Mumbai University & OTRL (USA). Sanika has presented papers & splint in national conference of All India Occupational therapy Association & has received Best splint award. Apart from her liking for patient care & communication, she is interested in travelling distances & reading.



Empowering Mother-infant dyad in feeding technuque

At the end of workshop participant will be able to

1.Objectively  assess the oral motor skills in Neonates.
2. plan & provide  intervention for improving feeding skills in mother-infant dyad


Speaker: Shailaja Jaywant is working as Assistant Professor in Occupational Therapy at LTM Medical College at Mumbai for more than 35 years. She is registered International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC®), with expertise in the field of Feeding Assessment & Intervention in Preterm Neonates & Infants’ Developmental Care in the first 1000 days of life. She is a Recipient of the P. N. Berry Scholarship by the Govt. of India to study in the United Kingdom (UK) and honoured with the Professional Excellence Award by the All-India Occupational Therapists’ Association in 2024.


Relationship Based Intervention in the NICU

At the end of workshop

  1. The shift to parenting and the early stages of the formation of parent-infant relationships will be recognizable to participants.

  2. In the framework of developing relationships, participants will learn how to relate to parents as an act of support.

Speaker: Hemant Nandgaonkar​ is an occupational therapist in Mumbai, India. He has advanced training in Developmentally Supportive Care, Newborn Behavioral Observation, Infant Driven Feeding, as well as Hand Therapy, Ayres Sensory Integration® Therapy, Kinesiotaping, Thera-Band®, Research, and Ethics. He is currently employed as an Assistant Professor at the Occupational Therapy School and Centre, Seth G. S. Medical College, and K.E.M. Hospital. He now serves as President of the Association for Neonatal Therapists in India and on the editorial board of the Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy.


Sensory Intervention and strategies in NICU

Speaker: Geetha M. Arora is a Neonatal & Paediatric Occupational Therapist, Clinical Director of MOVE N GROW - Neonatal & Pediatric Occupational Therapy Clinic, Noida. She is trained in NBO (Neonatal Behavioral Observatiion), NBAS ( Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale), Brazelton Institute Boston, SENSE program, Certified in IGNITE (Core Training & Mentoring program for Neonatal Therapist), Neonatal Touch & Massage ( NTMTC), Advances in NICU Feeding Management (BWH, Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital, Boston),SOFFI Method (Supporting Oral Feeding Fragile Infants), Beckmann oral motor assessment & intervetion, SOS feeding program, Advanced level in prechtl’s General Movement Assessment, Sensory Integration Therapy (USC), Advanced mentorship in SPD (STAR Institute).She is a visiting Neonatal Occupational Therapist in renowed hospitals in delhi NCR. National and international speaker, researcher and author. She is passionate about supporting premature infants and families in the NICU and in follow-up programs and is keenly interested in creating awareness about Neonatal Therapy.



Post Discharge Monitoring the of NICU Graduates

Speaker: Usha Bhojane-Kasar is a Mumbai based Occupational Therapist and has been working in the field of Pediatric Rehabilitation & Neonatalology. She is presently working as Assistant Professor at Occupational Therapy School and Centre, Seth G. S. medical College and K.E.M. Hospital, post graduate teacher for developmental disabilities at Maharashtra University of Health Sciences. She is Certified in Ayres Sensory Integration, Kinesiotaping and trained in Handwriting Without Tears, Myofascial Release Technique and has attended numerous workshops and trainings in NDT. She has presented various research papers in national conferences and received Youth Talent Award, Best Scientific paper at the National level conferences of All India Occupational Therapists Association. In her career as an Occupational Therapist, Usha has also been involved in community awareness and education of teachers and parents.


Neonatal Therapist, Neonatologist,

Neonatal Nurse, Lactation Consultant,

Palliative Therapist, Pediatrician

Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Speech Therapist,

Feeding And Swallowing Therapist,

Psychologist, Ophthalmologist,




TILL 10th November, 2024

GROUP OF FIVE - Rs. 21625/-

(SAVE MORE THAN RS. 15,000/-)


MEMBERS - Rs. 5775/-


Payment details Payment will be accepted by NEFT 

Bank Name :Canara Bank  

Branch :Mumbai, Parel  

Name of the Account holder :Association of Neonatal Therapists Account number :0110201004920  IFSC CODE :CNRB0000110  

Simple Registration Process

Pay by NEFT - Send Your details along with transaction details to


Presidential message On behalf of the Association of Neonatal Therapists, I cordially invite you to the 6th Annual National Neonatal Therapy Conference 2024! This premium event brings together visionary professionals, specialists, and innovators in newborn care. Over the next three days, we will share the information, ideas, and best practices that are defining our field. Our conference subject, Neonatal Therapy to Strengthen the Maternal-Neonatal Bond, represents our dedication to enhancing neonatal care in collaboration with important stakeholders. We will look at cutting-edge research, novel techniques, and collaborative approaches. 1. Increase clinical competence. 2. Promote multidisciplinary collaboration. 3. Encourage evidence-based approaches. 4. Respond to emerging difficulties. Thank you for your devotion to bettering neonatal outcomes. We are inspired by your enthusiasm and skills. Let us work together to create the future of Neonatal Therapy in India! Sincerely, Nandgaonkar Hemant President, Association for Neonatal Therapists



Please report for the breakfast at 8am daily in the food area.

November 15, 2024

9am - Keynote Address - Dr. Jyothika Bijlani -
Dean, Academic Council of Occupational Therapy


Neonatal Therapists Assessments
Dr. Sanika Gawade

Panel Discussion

Strategies to follow developmental supportive care in NICU in Indian set up

Skill Lab
Topic Presentation

Skill Lab

- Handling of neonate in the NICU

Strategies of splints & positioning in NICU
Dr. Nimisha



November 16, 2024

Scientific Presentation

1. Effect of multisensory  stimulation on Neuro behavioral Regulation in preterm infants – A scoping review
2.Adherer to developmentally supportive care – A memory – Based approach v/s a mobile app Based approach – Shubhangi Bankar

Poster Discussion



Empowering mother infant dyad during feeding  

Dr. Shailaja Jaywant 

Relation Based intervention in NICU 

​Dr. Hemant Nandgaonkar

World Prematurity Day 2024 Celebration

Small actions, BIG IMPACT: Immediate skin-to-skin care for every baby everywhere.



November 17, 2024

Original Paper Presentation

1. “Analysis of sensory processing abilities in moderate to late preterm & term infants-a comparative study  
Dr. Komal Mengaji
2. Effect of kangaroo mother care (KMC) on anxiety level of mother having late
preterm infants – Dr. Shraddha Patil
3. prevalence of sensory processions disorder in 0 – 6th month infants receiving early intervention services – an observational descriptive study
Dr. Shubhangi Bankar


Sensory Intervention & strategies in NICU

Dr. Geetha Arora 

Post discharge monitoring of NICU graduates 

Dr. Usha Bhojane   - Kasar

Valedictory Function


For Accomodation at the Venue

18, YMCA Road, Mumbai Central, Mumbai - 400 008

Please contact on the link below directly for your accomodation needs.



VR Goggles

Gayathri S

Saloni Raje

Hide and Seek

Rashmi Bandelwar

Hide and Seek

Khushi Shirodkar

VR Goggles

Tarini Prasad Pani


Pratiksha Ramraje

Runali Bagade

Nivedita Gawand

Kalyani K

Deepa Sundereswaran

Shailaja Jaywant

Komal Meghanji

Monika Manek

Hemant Nandgaonkar


VR Goggles

Prapti Saxena

Hide and Seek

Hrucha Varadkar

Pooja Kiran More

Pritish Kumar Dash

Shubhangi Banker

Nivedita Gawand

Sakshi Gujar

Ruchita Shirke

Muskaan Kaul

Jayashree Jadhao

Usha Kasar


Danish Shaikh

Preema P

Kian F. Gandhi

Aakanksa Potdar

Hide and Seek


Punyasloka Rath

Sakshi Gujar

Jayshri Kalyankar

Ruchita Shirke

Nidhi Mishra

Geetha M Arora

Aachal Nagpure

Mansi Chadwa

Sanika Gawade

Nimisha Konde

Shraddha Patil

Aarti Harwandkar

Guidelines for Preparation of Presentation for Oral Scientific Paper presentation/& e-Poster 1.Set the slide size of the page to “On-screen show” and landscape orientation in the page set-up section (Portrait orientation will not be displayed properly). 2.Use standard slide size (4:3). 3.Presentation time for Oral scientific paper is 10 minutes + 5minutes Q&A session. For the presentation of Poster time allotted is 8minutes+2 minutes QA session 4.Presentations can be in Microsoft Office Power Point version 2010-2013 in .ppt or .pptx format only or higher version. (You can use other presentation software like to Canva, googleslides or slidesgo but please download as Powerpoint and use it for the conference presentation) 5.Use high-contrast but minimal colors for lettering (font vs background); do not place too much text on each slide. 6.Prefer presenting data using info-graphics, tables, graphs, clinical pictures and short key messages. 7.Presentations can include text, figures, charts, tables, images, and artwork but an e-Poster should not include any audio, video or animation. 8.Do not use special fonts which are not part of the standard PowerPoint package as this will cause problems while uploading your file and will not display well during the presentation. 9. Total number of slides should not exceed 30 slides for oral scientific paper presentation and Slide for e-Poster presentation the size of the poster should be 30 inches*20 inches Slides for e-Poster presentation for the main content. The font style can be Times New Roman/Arial/Cambria with at least 1.5 line spacing. 11.The font size for the slide’s title should be 32 or 36, and the main text headings 28, sub-headings 24 or 20 and the foot notes/references of size 10 to 14 (if any).



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