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2nd Annual National Conference NEOANT2020

Time & Location6th September, 2020 9:00 am IST – 20 September 2020, 6:00 pm ISTOnline Virtual Event(Exact dates - 6, 13, 19, 20 September, 2020)

Integrating Trauma Informed Practice in NICU

One Event : Three Benifits

Winners 🏆

Best Essay - Ida Mary from Sundaram Medical Center, Chennai.
Best Master Mind - Rohit Shenvi, occupational therapy school, Seth GS Medical college, Mumbai
Best Scientific Paper (Primary Data) - Deepa sundereshwaran, Chennai
Best Scientific Paper (Secondary Data) - Deepa Awasthi, occupational therapy school, LTMMC, Mumbai

Conference Details


Dr. Nandakishor Kabra

Director, Surya Hospital, Mumbai

Organizing Chairperson

Sanika Gawade

Senior Occupational Therapist, KEM Hospital, Mumbai

Scientific Committee Chairperson

Jyothika Bijlani,

Dean Academic Council of Occupational Therapy (AIOTA)


Members - INR 5000

Non Members - INR 7550

Group of five Non members - INR 25000

Group of 4 Members - INR 16000

Group of 10 non members / UG Students - INR 40000


BSID Certification - INR 3540

Combined registration - Members (BSID + Conference) INR 6000

Combined Registration - non members INR 9550 (BSID + Conference)


Payment details Payment will be accepted by NEFT 

Bank Name :Canara Bank  Branch :Mumbai, Parel  Name of the Account holder :Association of Neonatal Therapists Account number :0110201004920  IFSC CODE :CNRB0000110  

Simple Registration Process

Pay by NEFT - Send Your details along with transaction details to 




Tentative date for online NEOANT2020 is 6th September, 2020 - 20th September, 2020. Registered candidates will be shortly informed. Agenda is subject to change a little.

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September 6th, 2020

Training and workshop


Why and What Research I should do? 

09:00 AM

Dr. Nandkishor Kabra,
Director, Surya Hospital, Mumbai

Strategies for Knowledge Translation of Developmentally Supportive Care in NICU

10:00 AM

Dr. Amitava Sengupta , Fellowship Neonatology (Neth) ; FNNF Director: Mother & Child Unit, Neonatology & PediatricsParas Hospitals, Gurgaon (NCR), India

TRAIN ANT : Training Relevant Assessment & Intervention in Neonatal Therapy

11:30 AM

This Module is designed with a objective of empowering the professionals working in NICU with assessment and intervention toolbox. It will be completed as following  BackgroundIntroduction to Neonatal TherapyIntroduction to assessment and intervention TheoryWorkstation for skill trainingDocumentation tools & tipsReflective Session for getting courage, hope to change from Trauma Informed Care Perspective.
Introduction by Dr. Jyothika Bijlani

Easily Document and Analyse : Individual Newborn Developmental Intervention Application (INDIA EBUS)

12:00 noon

During the presentation, the use of digital interface for evaluating, assessing, interpreting, guiding, documenting, analysing & research will be demonstrated.

The main objective is to have uniformity and accountability of this Neurodevelopmental aspect of the care in NICU.

At the end of the workshop, the participants will know the various components of Neurodevelopmental Care in NICU and how to use digital technology for successful implementation.

Nandgaonkar Hemant

Assistant Professor,

Occupational Therapy Department,

Seth GS Medical College, KEM Hospital, Mumbai

Sanika Gawade, Nandgaonkar Hemant


During the workshop following topics will be covered

  1. Need for digital approach to Neurodevelopmental Care in NICU. (Lacunae in current practice)

  2. How to use digital interventions for developmental supportive care?

  3. Concept of Hands on & Hand free assessment of neonate.

  4. Demonstration of documentation for standardized evaluation and intervention in various domains :Neurobehavior, Posture, Sleep, Pain, Family Centered Care, Feeding, Skin, Splinting, Neurophysiologically Based Intervention, Environment, Goal Setting, tone, motor performance, Kangaroo Mother Care, Activities of Daily Living, Neurological Warning Signs

  5. How to generate reports?

  6. How to interpret the data gathered and use for the clinical decision making?

  7. How to verify the clinical decisions with available evidence?

  8. How to generate evidence from your regular practice?

  9. How to monitor the unit activities?

  10. How to detect the babies with neurological warning signs smoothly with digital interface?

  11. Reflection on the individual NICU practice from Neurodevelopmental Care context.

Risk-adjusted/neuroprotective care services in NICU Neonatal Therapy Workstations

02:30 PM

Presentation by ANT  Team Splinting options in NICU - Shailaja Jaywant Introduction to Family centred Care - PrachiOverview of feeding - Richa Deshmukh

Reflect your Practice from Trauma Informed Care Perspective

3:30 PM

Sanika Gawade, Nandgaonkar Hemant
During this you will get an opportunity to look back at yourself in a mirror. Just present your true self. It will be an eye opener for everyone.

Inauguration of the conference by Dr. Mrudula Phadke

05:30 PM

Surya Hospital NICU Video Tour

TIMP Online Training (Introduction, Administration & Interpretation)

4:30 PM

The TIMP (The infant Motor Performance Scale) is a test of functional motor behavior in infants for use by neonatal therapists in special care nurseries and early intervention or diagnostic follow-up settings.

Assessing the postural and selective control of movement needed for functional motor performance in early infancy.

The TIMP can be used for assessing infant between the ages of 34 weeks PCA & 4 months post term.

Keynote address by Mary Coughlin

5:45 PM

This is your Schedule Item. Provide details about the event or activity, where it’s located and any other relevant information for your visitors. Add photos to make it shine.


12:40 PM

Will have quick lunch break for 20 minutes.


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Inauguration (completed on 6th September, 2020)

09:00 AM

Welcome address by Organizing Secretary, NEOANT2020

Ganesh Stavan

Address by Scientific Chairperson

Address by the President, ANT

Address by Secretary, ANT

Address by the Chief Guest

Chief Guest : 

Dr. Mrudula Phadke,  

Sr. Advisor, National Rural Health Mission, Govt. of India; UNICEF 

DR. (MRS) MRUDULA A. PHADKE Visiting Scientist, Haffkine Institute for Training, Research & Testing, Parel, Mumbai. Consultant UNICEF Independent Director, Serum Institute of India Limited, Pune

Advisor : Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society, Govt. of Maharashtra Adjunct Professor, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik Member : DSMB, MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINE, WHO Vaccine Safety Committee, Geneva


Vice Chancellor, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, Maharashtra, India (Upto 22nd December 2009)

Director, Medical Education & Research, Govt. of Maharashtra, 

Dean, B J Medical College, Pune Senior Technical Advisor: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Member, Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety, WHO, Geneva EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS M.B.B.S. - University of Bombay, 1967 D.C.H.- C.P.S., Bombay 1969 M.D. (Pediatrics)-University of Poona, 1970 F.I.A.P. – Fellow of Indian Academy of Pediatrics. 1991 MRCP, FRCPCH. (U. K.) 2003 MNAMS – 2008 FNAMS – 2009

Highlights of Achievements Academic Under Graduate and postgraduate Medical Career – Stood first in the University in all the examinations and received over 20 gold medals and prizes Recipient of President of India’s Medal.

Started Star Research Award and a Journal-Milestone for the Directorate. Research Research publications in National and International Journals, written chapters in Medical Journals, Delivered Lecturers and orations on Medicine, Medical Education –Policy and Conceptualization A comprehensive and concise knowledge and understanding of working of the University, Government, with vast academic and administrative experience, appropriate to lead the University to attain higher laurels Academic & Administrative Achievements as the Director of Medical Education & Research, Govt. of Maharashtra.

Key Note of Address (completed on 6th September, 2020)

05:30 AM

Key Note of Address by Mary Coughlin
A leader in neonatal nursing, Mary Coughlin MS, NNP, RNC-E has pioneered the concept of trauma-informed care as a biologically relevant paradigm for hospitalized newborns, infants, and their families. 
An internationally recognized expert in the field of age-appropriate care, Ms. Coughlin has over 35 years of nursing experience beginning in the US Air Force Nurse Corp and culminating in her current role as President and Chief Transformation Officer of Caring Essentials Collaborative. 
Ms. Coughlin authored the 2011 NANN Guidelines for Age Appropriate Care of the Premature and Critically Ill Hospitalized Infant and most recently authored the books: Transformative Nursing in the NICU: Trauma-informed, Age-appropriate Care (2014) and Trauma-informed Care in the NICU: Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines for Neonatal Clinicians (2016) - endorsed by the National Association of Neonatal Nurses. Ms. Coughlin has mentored close to 10,000 interdisciplinary NICU clinicians from over 14 countries to transform the experience of care for the hospitalized infant and family in crisis.

Scientific Session I (Competitive)

10:30 AM

Category             Title of presentation        Institute/ Organization   Name of the presenter

Original Scientific Research Group Therapy : A change maker in family centered care of the neonates in NICU Cenetred Care Deepa Sundereswaram  NIEPMED, Chennai                

Innovations in Practice or Education Poster.            Development of INDIA EBUS - Brain Oriented Care in NICU    Occupational therapy, Seth GS medical college, Mumbai Hemant Nandgaonkar

Secondary data Original Research Scientific Paper             Article Presentation         Seth GSMC & KEMH               Richa Deshmukh

Primary data Original Research Scientific Paper   To analyse the effect of quality of sleep and level of fatigue in postpartum lactating mothers.               O.T. Training School & Centre, L.T.M.M.C. Sion, Mumbai.            Dnyaneshvari Ramakant Giri

Secondary data Original Research Scientific Paper             A Systematic Review of different Pain Assessment Scales used in Neonates             LTMMC , Occupational Therapy Training School and Centre           Dr Deepa Awasthi

Primary data Original Research Scientific Paper   Immediate effect of Diaper change Activity with Individualized Developmental Care on preterm neonates Neurobehavior.     Seth G.S.Medical college and KEMH    Priya Prakash Rai

Quality improvement      Numbering for Neuroprotection Seth G.S.Medical college and KEMH               Ashlesha Koli

Quality Improvement      Neonatal Therapy Kit      Seth G.S.Medical college and KEMH               Sonal Sharma

Scientific Session II (Non Competitive)Topic Presentation

9:00 am

Category             Title of presentation        Institute/ Organization   Name of the presenter

Topic Presentation           Trauma informed care in NICU-implications for occupational therapist.             KEMH parel Mumbai 400012       Sanika Gawade

Topic Presentation Why, When and How to Position in NICU   Sundaram Medical Foundation, Chennai IDA MARY SIROMANI                                 Article Presentation         Rehabilitation of infant oral feeding difficulties : A survey of Occupational Therapists'Approaches   Seth GSMC & KEMH               Richa Deshmukh

Primary data Original Research Scientific Paper   To analyse the effect of quality of sleep and level of fatigue in postpartum lactating mothers.               O.T. Training School & Centre, L.T.M.M.C. Sion, Mumbai.            Dnyaneshvari Ramakant Giri

Secondary data Original Research Scientific Paper             A Systematic

Family centred care - Prachi Gangurde

Feeding intervention in NICU - Richa Deshmukh

Time management during busy clinical setting 

01:30 PM

Dr. Ulhas Kolhatkar,
Director, Ace Children's Hospital, Dombivili
Ex. Governor of Mumbai District, Rotary Club

Best Master Mind Trophy by ANT

02:30 PM

Kon Banega Master Mind

Neonatal Therapy Quiz

Conducted by Scientific Chairperson

Dr. Jyothika Bijlani

Neonatal Therapy Certification Examination

4:00 PM 

Separate Registration for ExaminationMust be Elite ANT member.Examination will be conducted on 27th September, 2020.



Due to the spreading of Covid - 19 virus in India, some of the speakers have cancelled their trip. Organizing committee has decided to adopt technology. Presently, the agenda remains the same. We will use video conferencing for few speakers to cut down the cost.

Announcement of Neonatal Therapy Mentor ship Program leading to Certification

3:55 PM

Dr. Jyothika Bijlani will announce details of Neonatal Therapy Mentor ship Program leading to Certification.
Training Duration
Training Content
Behavioral Characteristics

BSID certification

2:30 PM onwards

19 & 20th september, 2020Organized in collaboration with All India Occupational Therapist Association (Courtesy- Scientific chairman Dr. Jyothika Bijlani)


Important Notice

NEOANT2020 is postponed because of following reasons•After reviewing the current situation of covid 19•opinion of different stakeholders and experts•discussion with advisory board, Organising committee, management committee•Appeal of Chief minister of Maharashtra•Compliance with government guidelines (Ministry of health and family welfare, Government of India; World Health organization)

Participant List

1. Jyothika Bijlani

2. Sanika Gawade
3. Ashlesha Koli

4 . Richa Deshmukh
5. Prachi Gangurde
6. Sneha Sanap
7. Sonal Sharma
8. Rohit Shenvi

9. Chakradhar Mali
10. Disha Sanghavi

11. Baldeep kaur

12. Ashwini

13. Pooja vajratkar

1. Hemant Nandgaonkar

2. Shailaja Jaywant

3. Dr. Nandkumar Kabra

4. Dr. Amitav Sengupta

5. Dr. Ulhas Kolhatkar

6. Vaibhavi Mande

7. Jayashri Kalyankar

8. Dr. Mrudula Phadke

9. Mary Coughlin

10. Priyanka Raikar

11. Ida Mary 

12. Deepa Awashti

13. Anushka Paithankar

14. Prashant

15. Dnyaneshwari Giri

16. Usha 

17. Baldeep

18. Prajakta Kulkarni

19. Deepa S.

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